Reciprocal nude massage in the best parlours of Paris


Reciprocal massage in Paris and Neuilly

The massage allows the two people involved, masseur and massaged, to stimulate and to be stimulated in turns. Each partner is the actor of giving pleasure of the other. The nude massage is, in essence, etched in this idea of exchanging pleasure of the senses and exaltation of eroticism.

In our SZEN institutes, this mutual massage is only practiced as part of our Exquisite Sensation Massage training. It is a formula that will allow you to understand the different techniques and practices to delight and make your partner succumb.

Accompanied by one of our masseuses, you can learn by practicing on a female model. Again, pleasure, sensuality and eroticism will be at the heart of your learning experience. In a setting dedicated to the pleasure of the senses, you will share with your model, under the gaze of a professional masseuse, a moment of sensuality and exquisite sensations for 2 hours...




Our institutes offer reciprocal massage only through the formula of Exquisite Sensation training. The principles and practices of nude and tantric massages will then be transmitted to you in order to prolong and reproduce the experience discovered within SZEN.


Come and learn the most sensual and stimulating massage techniques to offer your partner the sweetest and most pleasant surprises one can offer. Our professional masseurs will provide you with knowledge and skills that only SZEN institutes can offer.


Available also for you ladies (male models), as a couple with your “better half" or for a bachelor party (see conditions with Sophie). We invite you to make a RDV within 48hrs in advance minimum.


Please do not hesitate to contact our various institutes and Sophie through our website at

We look forward to welcoming you at (SZEN)…